Wilmington Friends Meeting
"A person's religious opinions should not be tested by how well they agree with religious writings but by how well they agree with the Spirit in which these writings were written."
- George Fox, 1624-1694
We would like to thank you for visiting the Wilmington, NC Friends Meeting site. Our meeting invites you to join us for worship on Sundays from 10 am- 11 am at 202 North 5th Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28401.
Wilmington Friends Meeting has been part of the community for more than 30 years. We are a non-programmed meeting that meets to worship in silence every Sunday. After meeting for worship, we engage in second hour for discussion, meeting for business, or the fellowship of a potluck. Check out the calendar to see what we are up to each Sunday. Whether you are new to Quakerism or have been practicing for years, we welcome all!